Author Archives: James Little
Rhubarb Shed Cafe
Kelham Island
Praise for Headway from Paul Blomfield MP
A historic Parliamentary debate on brain tumour research took place in Westminster on 18th April and was attended by over 60 MPs. Sue Farrington Smith from Brain Tumour Research initiated this debate in collaboration with members from The Brain Tumour Continue reading Praise for Headway from Paul Blomfield MP
Coffee mornings
The Deep Aquarium
Hair today, gone tomorrow!
Oliver had a severe Head Injury a few years ago and made a fantastic recovery. To celebrate his 50th Birthday he decided to have his hair shaved off with the proceeds from his sponsorship donated to HEADWAY Sheffield. The event Continue reading Hair today, gone tomorrow!
Welcome to Headway Sheffield
Headway Sheffield is a small local charity that supports individuals with a brain injury, their families and carers, through regular social events, information and education. We run a monthly coffee morning at Bella Italia, near the Winter gardens, on the Continue reading Welcome to Headway Sheffield